Compliant | Sustainable | Customizable | Child Resistant

The Importance of Testing Child Resistant Packaging

Modern life with children can be busy, and often leaves us short on time. Children will be children – they are curious and learning about everything that surrounds them. HerbPax leads innovation in Pharmaceutical and Cannabis packaging by offering products like child resistant terpene optimizing pouches, child resistant pouches, child resistant caps.  Our innovative packaging helps keep young children protected from pharmaceuticals and substances that are harmful for them. Our packaging is designed in a way so young children will not be able to access the contents of the package. HerbPax protects the safety of our children by bringing light to the benefits of child resistant packaging from our company. We are outlining how child resistant packaging is tested to ensure safety between your pharmaceuticals, cannabis and young children, 24/7 of the day for a peace of mind.

What is child resistant packaging?

Child resistant packaging is packaging that is designed to prevent children who are younger than 52 months (i.e. younger than 5 years old) from accessing its contents, but also made so adults have easier access to the contents contained within these child resistant packages. Child resistant packaging consists of many different safety mechanisms and barriers that prevent young children from gaining access to substances that are harmful to them. Using this type of packaging can lower the chances of young children gaining access and consuming harmful substances without having any knowledge.

Testing requirements for child resistant packaging

The testing requirements for child resistant packaging must pass third party certification to ensure it has met the requirements for child safety standards. For child resistant packaging to meet child-resistant standards, the packaging itself would have to be tested in a real-world scenario with children and adults. The packaging must be tested under normal conditions with a group of children between the ages of 42 to 51 months of age (i.e. between the ages of 3 to 5 years old). 80% of the children tested must not open the package during the full duration of the testing process in order for the packaging to pass child resistant testing. 

Why is testing child resistant packaging important?  

Testing child resistant packaging is very important to ensure that young children are protected against consuming toxic and harmful substances while also making the packaging accessible and easy to open for adults. By doing real-world testing to ensure that the child resistant packaging being tested does measure up to the regulatory standards. This guarantees that the packaging that will be sold and distributed will be safe around children and easy for adults and seniors to access the substances inside the packaging.

Child resistant packaging at HerbPax

At HerbPax, we pride ourselves in curating and selling quality child resistant packaging that is efficient in keeping children out of any harmful or toxic substances. We are proactive in keeping up with the safety standards of producing and distributing child resistant packaging worldwide. Our child resistant packaging meet Health Canada, FDA and CPSC regulations and standards while also giving customers the freedom to express their brand the way they have envisioned it to be. 


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